Card price:
1 year |
2 years |
3 years |
Card price |
200 AZN |
300 AZN |
400 AZN |
İnitial payment | 15 000 AZN/10 000 USD/EUR/GBP | 20 000 AZN/15 000 USD/EUR/GBP | 25 000 AZN/20 000 USD/EUR/GBP |
Other services:
Blocking card outside the country (when the card is lost, stolen or is in the useless condition) | 35 USD |
Emergency card replacement outside the country | 200 USD |
Emergency cash service from the card outside the country | 175 USD |
Access to relevant halls included in “Lounge Key” program in the airports for Visa Infinite cardholders (for the customer himself/herself and the person accompanying him/her) | 32 USD (for the cardholder, 6 entries are free per year |
SMS notification | Free of charge |
Delivery service is active in Baku. The service is free of charge and implemented within 10 working days.